Sunday, July 25, 2010

I will never get tired of the sunsets here in Good Hope they are absolutely beautiful. Tonight I went for a long walk up the shoreline of the river. I found a couple of interesting things that will be going in a package for Madison and Carter, but I can't tell the rest of you what it is or it will ruin the surprise for them. I am sure that you will understand, is it prehistoric bones? I was talking to an older fisherman tonight he was bringing in his nets, we were talking about the river and how low it was this year compared to how high the water was in the spring. He was saying how fast it moves, check out the picture of the set of stairs that are tangled in the trees right at the high water mark. Those stairs are about 5 ft wide and 18 ft long, plus they are made out of 2" thick material. I cannot even imagine how heavy they are. That water must be moving fast to be able to move those down the river plus to take them from where ever they came from. As I walked down the shore there was one seagull that fallowed me the hole way, there and back. Before I went for my walk on the shore of the big river I thought that I would try some fishin' in the small river on the far side of the house. The hill was so steep on the way down I just about fell, I am sure if anyone was watching they were most likely laughing. Sometimes I am not the most graceful person, especially when losing balance arms flailing around with fishing rod in one hand. It was a sight!! However I was right, first cast I caught a decent size Pike. It was about 30", thank god the lure came out easy. When I turned around from where I was standing there was these huge paw prints. Hence the picture above, I got the hook out of the mouth of that fish and hauled my tail back up that steep hill. I am positive that they where bear prints, and they where fresh!! We had rain last night. they were about the same size as my hand. Well enjoy my video, and have a great night

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