Thursday, April 22, 2010

Good morning well it is actually just afternoon, I wen out for a walk this morning. When I got outside I saw that the rain we were supposed to get last night actually came down as snow. and around six inches of it. So I had to go back into the house and get my boots on. then back outside for my walk. I have posted a few random pictures here today, a couple of the fresh snow, a couple of this awesome lasagna that I made last night for dinner, and I am actually have a piece right now for lunch.
So instead of beef, I used Musk Ox. I know what your thinking what is Musk Ox, they are similar to Bison or Buffalo. Very high in protein, low choresterol, low in fat. So when cooked properly good for you. In this dish I had spinach and cottage cheese, with shredded cheese mix also in the middle. Just a different twist. Which I must say was really good. Being this far north some of the products that I used to use all the time are just not available here. The most common Ricotta cheese is one of those things, so spinach, cottage cheese, and cheddar blend was a good alternative.
The last picture is a warning, I love hot food but these chips are the hottest things that I have ever put into my mouth. I bought two bags, If anyone would like to try the second bag let me know I will send them to you! They are called Blairs Death Rain, the guy in the store warned me that they were intensely hot, and indeed. They are incredibly hot, in no way was I expecting one chip to burn my taste buds off. Really not to be tried for the faint of heart, I was sweating for like an hour afterwards. Well that is all that I have for today, time to finish this lunch up, and get ready for work. Oh I almost forgot, we had an earthquake here 4.0 on the ricter scale. It was located about 10 km off shore, and should have more information on that later.

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