Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Long Weekends

Back to work, after what I thought was a long weekend it really didn't feel like a long week-end. I am used to Bobcaygeon and all the tourists. The bridge swinging, the lights flashing, and bells chiming. The water traffic, and who can forget beers on patios! That is what it was, I would love an ice cold bottle of Miller. I think that dad might have something to do with that. I think it was Miller High Life back then though. In such a small town, with 3 stop signs there really isn't that much to do on a day off, throw an extra day of into the mix, and I was lost. Not that lost though, I went fishing. That is the new fix to boredom fish. However the only thing that I seem to catch is Pike, and I hate them. They have razor sharp teeth, so you have to use a glove to hold the fish, and with the other hand with a glove on, use the pliers to get the hook out. Seriously why do they have to be a pain in the ass like this. I really want to catch a Koni. We bbq one the other night for dinner, just on on open fire. So good!  So this is how I caught two fish at once. Te little one is about 14" long just a baby, but just as I was about to pull it out the big one came along and hit it hard I thought my rod was going to snap. But after a half hour of fight with it, I finally got it out of the water. Thank god it fell off, and I didn't have to do anything with it.

The barge was here yesterday, when it was first coming up the river the tug was pushing six different barges. It went further up the river, dropped off four of them. Then came back to load the remaining ones here. It was really something to be seen. After they were done loading, they went back and hooked up to the other barges and continued up the river. The sea cans are so large that when the drivers pick them up, they have to drive in reverse all the way back to the barge. Plus the cans are so wide that everyone has to move right off the road. Just to put things in perspective the cans are about 8 ft tall, that is one big fork lift.
Here is one final picture for this entry from a different location, last night we hiked up behind the airport to this trail way off on the other side of town is the hill that I took the picture of the mountains from.

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