Thursday, October 28, 2010

11:00 am Oct. 28/2010

10:30 am Oct.28/ 2010

10:00 am Oct. 28/ 2010
Well I knew that it was coming but the days are sure getting shorter, I just took these photos this morning. The sunn is just about visible. The last week has been pretty nice here, avg temperatures I think nothing that is unbeardable. Yesterday we got some more snow, just a little bit. Like 3" or so.
On Monday, I accepted a new job posting in Cambridge Bay, Nunavut. I have already started packing, and sending out some boxes. When I spoke to my new district manager on Monday he said that I would be leaving in approx. 2 weeks. I am so excited to see another part of this great country of ours. I LOVE CANADA. Really we have such a great country, with some much culture that mostly goes unnoticed. I have been taught so much by the people here in Tuk, and Fort Good Hope, if you are ever given the opportunity to travel to either of these places I would strongly recommend it.
As I have been here now for 6 months I have come to realize that there is no regular business hours that the rest of the world live by. Town events are commence on any given day, today there is a fishing derby. It starts a 12:30 pm and runs until 6:00pm then there is warm drinks and prizes afterwards.
Last week those are all herring laying on the ice

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